Cardinal HCM Web-Based Training (WBT)

INTRO102: Overview of Cardinal Human Capital Management (HCM)
Launch INTRO 102 Overview of Cardinal Human Capital Management
Description: This course provides an introduction to Cardinal Human Capital Management (HCM), an overview of the functional areas that make up Cardinal HCM, and some foundational knowledge pertaining to how these functional areas work in an integrated fashion. Additionally, this course provides an overview of the various HR Levels that the Commonwealth's employees will fall into along with some of the key differences between Agencies using Cardinal online and Agencies that will interface data to Cardinal.
Estimated Duration: 90 Minutes

NAV205: Navigation in Cardinal HCM
Open NAV 205 Navigation in Cardinal HCM
Description: This course provides learners with the skills to effectively access and navigate the Cardinal HCM application. This course also guides users in managing Favorites, performing searches, and employing the commonly used data entry/data selection techniques.

NAV225: Cardinal Reporting (HCM)
Open NAV 225 Cardinal Reporting HCM
Description: This course provides an overview of the functionality used to generate Reports and Queries within Cardinal HCM.

ESS392: Time & Attendance Employee Self-Service
Open ESS 392 Time & Attendance Employee Self-Service
Description: This course provides an overview of the Time & Attendance functional area for employees utilizing Employee Self-Service (ESS). Specifically, this course provides employees detailed instruction pertaining to the layout of the Cardinal Timesheet, how to enter time, and how to submit their Timesheets for approval. The processes for how to manage Time Exceptions and enter Timesheet adjustments are also covered in this course.

TA373: Time & Attendance for Supervisors & Managers
Open TA 373 Time & Attendance for Supervisors & Managers
Description: This course provides an overview of the Time & Attendance functional area for supervisors and managers. Specifically, this course provides detailed instruction pertaining to how supervisors and managers access employee Timesheets, review and approve both time and absences, and manage Time Exceptions. An overview pertaining to delegation of approval authority is also provided in this course.

TA371: Timekeeper Processing
Open TA 371 Timekeeper Processing
Description: This course provides an overview of the Time & Attendance functional area for Agency Timekeepers and covers Work Schedules, the Cardinal Timesheet, the Time Reporter Types, and how to enter and manage time and absences on behalf of assigned employees. The course is designed to help Timekeepers understand Time & Attendance and how to use it to accurately enter and manage time and absences, including how to handle common Timesheet Exceptions.

PY382: Payroll Read-Only
Description: This course provides information pertaining to the PY pages and information available for review by users with the Payroll Read-Only role.

BN362: Benefits Read-Only
Launch BN 362 Benefits Read Only
Description: This course provides a high-level overview of the Cardinal Human Capital Management (HCM) Benefits (BN) functional area. Additionally, it provides information pertaining to the BN pages and information available for review by users with the Benefits Read-only role.
Estimated Duration: 60 Minutes

HR353: Human Resources Read-Only
Open HR 353 Human Resources Read Only
Description: This course provides information pertaining to the HR pages and information available for review by users with the Human Resources Read Only role. Modules feature tutorial videos on how to navigate to and review applicable pages.
Estimated Duration: 1 Hour 45 Minutes