Resource and Learning Material Revisions
A list of new resources and major revisions to job aids, course materials, videos, and other resources for the Cardinal HCM and Financials applications.
Cardinal HCM Recent Revisions
Module | Name of Resource | Resource Type | Revision Date | Summary |
Payroll | Cardinal HCM Payroll Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 8/23/2024 | Updated the Base Pay Compare Report with key changes: - Removed the Direct Deposit To Goal Query (VSELP is no longer a Direct Deposit option) - Added the Benefit field to the V_PY_DED_BALANCES Query. |
Benefits | Cardinal HCM Benefits Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 8/19/2024 | Several Benefits reports updates to descriptions and sample screenshots - VRS Billing Detail Query - VRS Billing Exceptions Report - VRS Billing Transaction Errors. - VRS Billing Summary Report to include a new section screenshot for VRS Billing Amounts Not Reconciled. |
Time & Attendance | Cardinal HCM Time and Attendance Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 8/2/2024 | Based on recent enhancements, description and screenshot was updated for Docking Unpaid Absences Report (VTAR655) report. |
Payroll | Pay Docking in Cardinal Overview | Job Aid | 8/2/2024 | New job aid created to document the multiple scenarios for requiring that pay docking must be managed by agencies that are using and are not using Cardinal Absence Management. |
Benefits | BN361_Managing Terminations and Transfers | Job Aid | 7/23/2024 | New job aid covering the management of Benefit Enrollments for Terminations and Transfers and replacing the BN361_Benefits Quick Reference Guide. |
Benefits | BN361_Creating and Completing a Life Event on behalf of an Employee | Job Aid | 6/28/2024 | Added new section detailing steps necessary to process a Birth Event with tagalong dependents. |
Payroll | PY381_General and Benefits Deductions Codes | Job Aid | 6/28/2024 | Updated multiple General Deduction Codes. |
Time & Attendance | Cardinal HCM Time and Attendance Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 6/18/2024 | Updated the Timesheet Report (RTA026) to add two new columns: - Last Update - Last Approval |
Human Resources | Cardinal HCM Human Resources Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 6/17/2024 | Added the new Department Budget Carry Over Errors Query (RPY543). |
Payroll | Cardinal HCM Payroll Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 6/11/2024 | Added the new Department Budget Carry Over Errors Query (RPY543). |
Benefits | BN361_Researching Benefit Events | Job Aid | 5/29/2024 | New job aid includes four sections moved from the current BN361_Benefits Quick Reference Guide Job Aid to this document. |
Human Resources | Cardinal HCM Human Resources Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 5/14/2024 | Updated the descriptions for the Personal Data and Job Data Queries. Added a new V_HR_REWARDS_TRANSACTIONS query. |
Human Resources | PY361_Additional Pay Mass Upload Template | Mass Upload | 5/14/2024 | Enhanced by adding four new fields to enable general and benefit deductions setup specific to the additional pay type mass upload, eliminating the need for manual online entry. |
Payroll | Cardinal HCM Payroll Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 4/29/2024 | Added the new Additional Pay Employee Data (RPY550) query to pull information from fields on the Additional Pay page to include ChartFields as well as Benefit and General Deduction override information |
Benefits | BN361_Managing and Approving Dependents | Job Aid | 4/25/2024 | New job aid guides Agency Benefits Administrators through generating the Dependent Waiting Approval Benefits Eligibility Audit Report and approving dependents in Cardinal. |
Payroll | Cardinal HCM Payroll Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 4/15/2024 | Updates to the following queries: - Employees with FICA Exempt Query (PY232) - VRS Missing Query - COVA Payroll Register (RPY137) |
Human Resources | HR353: Human Resources Read Only | Various | 4/3/2024 | New job aid HR353_Reviewing the Human Resources Read Only Pages Web-based training course was modulized and includes tutorial videos. |
Benefits | BN361_TLC Contacts | Job Aid | 3/5/2024 | New job aid provides instructions on how to update the TLC Contact Types. |
Benefits | BN361 TLC Data Sheet Locality Job Aid and HCM Benefits Reports Catalog | Various | 2/29/2024 | Updated to include new report titled TLC Data Sheet Report with TLC changes. The new report provides a summary of the TLC Data Sheet information. , For details, reference TLC Data Sheet Entry Forum PowerPoint and Recording, from the 3/6/2024 webinar. |
Payroll | Cardinal HCM Payroll Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 2/29/2024 | Updated with several additions: - CSV file format option for the COVA Deduction Register Report (RPY146) - COVA W-2 Count Report (RPY541) - Tax Location Recon Query - COVA Post Freeze Change Report (RPY545) - Paygroup Mismatch Report Query (RPY547) |
Benefits | BN361_National Medical Support Notice (NMSN) and QMCSO Administration | Job Aid | 2/23/2024 | New job aid replaces BN361_QMCSO Administration. Updated to include sections and detailed instructions on how to process both National Medical Support Notices and QMCSOs. |
Time & Attendance | TA372_Interface Administration | Job Aid | 2/20/2024 | Added several sections to include step-by-step instructions on how to generate the applicable Reports and Queries used by TL Interface Administrators. Multiple other sections were enhanced with additional information. For details, reference communication TA Interface Administration Job Aid Enhancements, sent 2/28/2024 |
Security | Cardinal System Access Guide | Job Aid | 2/12/2024 | Updated significantly to document VITA's revised Multi-Factor Authentication steps. |
Benefits | BN361_Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance | Course Materials | 2/6/2024 | Updated the general information for the Deferred Compensation Plan from ICMA-RC to DC. Updated the sample report screenshot. |
Benefits | BN361_Upload Error Report Troubleshooting | Job Aid | 2/6/2024 | Updated entire Defined Contribution Elections Upload Error Report section from ICMA-RC to include updated navigation and updated screenshots. |
Benefits | BN361_Overview of the Eligibility Configuration Fields | Job Aid | 2/6/2024 | Updated the Deferred Compensation rows (Elig Config 1 tab) based on the change from IMCA-RC to DC. |
Payroll | PY382 Course and Job Aid Materials | Various | 1/31/2024 | Significantly updated WBT materials for PY382 and separated units into 11 distinct modules. Added a new job aid PY382_Reviewing the Payroll Read Only Pages which details the processes used to navigate to and review the pages available to users with the Payroll Read Only role. |
Time & Attendance | ESS_Reviewing Absence and Leave Balances | Job Aid | 1/25/2024 | New job aid provides Employee Self-Service users with the processes used to review their Absence and Leave Type balances. For details, reference communication Cardinal HCM: New ESS Job Aid (Reviewing Absence and Leave Balances), sent 1/31/2024 |
Navigation | NAV205_Navigation Tips in Cardinal HCM | Job Aid | 1/12/2024 | Multiple sections were added to this Job Aid which provide step-by-step instructions for the Navigating to HCM Pages, Using Cardinal Search Pages, Adding Favorites, and managing/deleting Favorites functions. For details, reference communication Cardinal HCM: Major Update for NAV205: Navigation in Cardinal HCM, sent 1/17/2024 |
Time & Attendance | TA373_Approving Time and Absences | Job Aid | 1/9/2024 | Updated the Reported and Payable Time Statuses with additional information related to the Grace periods. For details, reference communication Cardinal HCM: New TA Expired Grace Approver Role and Action Required from TA Agencies, sent 1/9/2024 |
Payroll | Cardinal HCM Payroll Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 1/9/2024 | Added New Payroll Query titled V_PY_HIGH_CHECK. Added new option (Paycheck) to the V_PY_DED_EXTRACT and V_PY_TAX_EXTRACT queries. |
Payroll | PY381 Course and Job Aid Materials | Various | 1/9/2024 | Updates to Direct Deposit and SPOTs related to inactivation of VSELP. Course Materials - PY381_Agency Payroll Management Course Job Aids - PY381_Overview of the Review FLSA Pay Data Page - PY381_Entering and Updating Direct Deposits - PY381_Using the Single-Use Payroll Online Tool (SPOT) |
Time & Attendance | Time & Attendance Administration Resources | Various | 1/8/2024 | Updates related to implementation of the new role, Time & Attendance Grace Approver, and grace periods. The following materials were edited to reflect the updates: Course Materials - TA372 Time and Attendance Administration - Time and Attendance Agency SME Reference Guide Job Aid - TA_Time Status Administration (New) Security - Cardinal Security Access Form, Handbook, and Instructions (Statewide and VDOT) For details, reference New TA Expired Grace Approver Role and Action Required from TA Agencies communication, sent 1/9/2024. |
Navigation | NAV205 Navigation in Cardinal HCM WBT | Web Based Training | 1/5/2024 | Updated NAV205 WBT to introduce a modular approach and to include new tutorial videos. |
For a list of previously highlighted revisions download the Cardinal Resource Revisions Archive document (excel file).
Cardinal Financials Recent Revisions
Module | Name of Resource | Resource Type | Revision Date | Summary |
Accounts Payable | AP312_Creating, Using, and Updating a Template Voucher | Job Aid | 8/2/2024 | Updated job aid and title to include a new section detailing the process for updating an existing template voucher. |
Business Intelligence | Various | Job Aids & Course Materials | 7/31/2024 | Removed Business Intelligence (BI) job aids and course materials due to the decommissioning of the application. |
Accounts Receivable | AR326_Deleting a Deposit Control Ticket | Job Aid | 6/5/2024 | This new Job Aid provides step by step instructions on how to delete a Deposit Control Ticket. |
Project Accounting | PA352_Creating and Maintaining Projects (VDOT) | Job Aid | 5/29/2024 | New job aid supporting the PA352_Managing Projects WBT Course. |
Accounts Payable | Cardinal Accounts Payable and Expenses Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 5/23/2024 | Added several new queries: - V-AP_TRAVEL_STATISTICS (Employee Travel Statistics Query) - V_AP_EDI_SUPPLIERS_BANK (Active EDI Suppliers with Banking Query) - V_AP_PREAUDIT_DTL (Voucher Lines with CO/Legal Query) |
Accounts Payable | Cardinal Accounts Payable and Expenses Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 1/18/2024 | Added the following two existing reports (previously not listed in the reports catalog): - Voucher & Expense Accrual Report (VAPR0520) - Prompt Pay Report (VAPR0525) |
Procurement | PR344_Processing Purchase Orders | Job Aid | 9/20/2023 | Course materials and corresponding PR344 job aids were updated to include additional information on new eVA confirming order checkbox. VDOT sent communication to users responsible for managing Purchase Orders. Updated job aids include: - PR_Procurement Items (VDOT) - PR342_Create Requisitions (VDOT) - PR344_Professional Services Purchase Orders (VDOT) - PR344_Purchase Orders (VDOT) - PR344_Reconciling a WebIMS Purchase Order (VDOT) - PR344_Update ChartFields on Partially Vouchered Purchase Orders (VDOT) |
Accounts Receivable | AR326_Reviewing and Correcting Budget Check Errors | Job Aid | 7/29/2023 | New Job Aid details the processes for reviewing and correcting Budget Check errors for Accounts Receivable Deposits. |
Navigation | NAV220 Generating a Financials Report | Job Aid | 5/15/2023 | This job aid was updated to include Process Monitor Page changes. Reference the communication Cardinal Tech Upgrade - What to Expect in Cardinal Financials for details. |
Accounts Payable | Cardinal Accounts Payable and Expenses Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 5/11/2023 | Updated the Payment Register including Offsets Report. Removed Voucher Payments with CDS (V_AP_PYMNT_VCHR_CDS) and added two new queries. - Voucher Payments with CDS and TOP - VCHR Agency Details with TOP |
Procurement | eVA PCards and ISSP (VDOT) Resources | Course Materials, Job Aids | 5/3/2023 | The PR349_Managing PCards and ISSP Transactions (VDOT) course materials and corresponding PR349 job aids have been standardized and updated to include additional information and steps surrounding the new eVA confirming order checkbox. Details of the change were sent from VDOT to PCard holders and approvers. |
General Ledger | GL332_Chart of Accounts Mapping | Job Aids - Excel Document | 2/10/2023 | Updated Comprehensive Annual Financial Reporting to Annual Comprehensive Financial Reporting (ACFR). |
General Ledger | GL332_Combination Edit Details (VDOT) | Job Aids - Excel Document | 2/10/2023 | Updated Comprehensive Annual Financial Reporting to Annual Comprehensive Financial Reporting (ACFR). |
Navigation, Reporting, Approvals | Cardinal General Ledger Reports Catalog | Reports Catalog | 2/9/2023 | Updated Comprehensive Annual Financial Reporting to Annual Comprehensive Financial Reporting (ACFR). |
Accounts Receivable | AR326_Managing Accounts Receivable Fund Receipts | Job Aids | 1/27/2023 | New job aid on creating, processing, and finalizing a Deposit in Cardinal. |
Navigation, Reporting, Approvals | 501 PA_Cardinal Reports Catalog PA | Reports Catalog | 1/26/2023 | Updated a PA Query based on functional changes. |
General Ledger | GL332_Processing Journal Entries (VDOT) | Course Materials | 1/8/2023 | Updated Comprehensive Annual Financial Reporting to Annual Comprehensive Financial Reporting (ACFR). |
For a list of previously highlighted revisions download the Cardinal Resource Revisions Archive document (excel file).